As more users access the internet via their mobile devices, the popularity and impact of video content are growing rapidly. YouTube has reported that video consumption rises by 100% annually, and that 90% of users claim that product videos are helpful in making their purchasing decisions.

These factors make now a great time to create a YouTube ad of your own.  But before you leap in, there are a few things you should consider to ensure that your ad campaign is a success.   

Create an AdWords Account

To advertise on YouTube, you are required to create an AdWords account.  You’ll also want to be sure and link your AdWords account to your existing YouTube account.

Set Your Budget

If this is your first foray into YouTube advertising, it’s best to keep your initial investment small, between 1¢ and 25¢ per view. Remember, you only pay Google for each complete view of your ad. For example, if you’re paying 5¢ per view, 20 complete views of your ad will cost you just $1.00, 100 views will cost $5.00, and so on. As you familiarize yourself with YouTube ads, you’ll start to see which placements are getting the most views. You can then make informed adjustments to your campaign without breaking your budget.

Choose Who’ll See Your Ad

YouTube offers a range of options to help you target your audience. You may choose to target by country, region, city, or IP address—allowing you to be as broad or specific as you like.

Make Use of Advanced Settings

With YouTube’s advanced settings, you can select the time of day your ad will run. This lets you target those times when your prospective customers will be most likely to see your ad. You can also target the types of devices on which users will see your ad.  For example, if your target consumer is most likely a mobile user, you can target your ads to mobile alone and bypass laptop users altogether. These adjustments let you better define and reach your desired audience demographic.

Define Your Audience by Age, Gender, and Topics of Interest
YouTube lets you target ads to specific age and gender groups, as well as to topics of related interest to your target users. For example, if you’re advertising a new brand of fishing reel, you may choose to advertise on channels of interest not only to anglers, but to hunters, boaters, and campers as well.    

Keywords Matter

Keywords are an important way that users find the videos they want to watch, and they also help Google know which videos to serve up as suggested views to users. By choosing the keywords that will be associated with your ad, you can weed out the less likely consumers of your product or service and focus solely on high-priority users. As a general rule, longer keywords tend to yield more specific results. To return to our fishing reel example, keywords like “rods and reels” might be more helpful than simply “fishing” in boosting conversions.

A Note about Production

There’s no doubt that a polished, professional video ad is a great way to promote awareness, generate interest, and spark engagement, and inspire consumer confidence in your product. At Mighty 8th Media, we’ve been helping brands create innovative and compelling video ads for over a decade. Our skilled writers, videographers, and account execs are eager to work with you to create product videos that get results.

Contact us today and discover how Mighty 8th Media can help make the most of your next video ad campaign.


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