Many companies are looking at how they can shake things up in 2019. If you’re considering a rebrand, here are some major benefits you can expect:

It Reenergizes Your Core Team
It’s a fact that people like to be a part of something big and new. The energy changes around the office; brainstorming sessions can turn category 4. Be sure your rollout strategy includes new cards (maybe with fun titles), branded apparel, and a few tchotchkes to help your internal team adopt the new vibe — after all, they are your #1 brand ambassadors.

It Updates Your Look — and Your Customer’s Perception
A rebrand can alter your look in so many ways: fresh colors and fonts, a streamlined website, bold new imagery, a clear and compelling voice, and even uncharted territory for campaigns. It can also tweak your customer’s perception of your product or service. Change takes courage and your customers take note; a new look can put them on alert for new products and can re-engage customers who may be looking for a modernized option.

It Clues in Your Competition, Too
Just like your customers, your competition will notice when you step up your style. Among spikes in web traffic, increased social media activity, and possibly more sales, you may also find that your brand is being copied. To ensure yours stays at the head of the pack, your rebrand should have solid ties to your core consumers, speak to your values, and ignite your passion — any copycats will fall flat.

It Builds a Framework for Consistency
Over time your brand elements can get misplaced, misused or just confused. Rebranding gives you the opportunity to set a company-wide precedent that clarifies the use of your new look and solidifies a professional tone.

See How It Works
What do Harley-Davidson, Burberry, UPS, Microsoft, and Old Spice have in common? These five companies dug deep and overhauled their brand — with major successes. Click here to read the article and check out how your brand measures up.

Let’s Get Started!
Think you could use a new look for 2019? Get in touch with us. Our team of marketing experts can create a strong and lasting identify, and powerful marketing strategy, that will help your (re)brand take off!


let’s make history

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