In 2025, Millennials will account for 80% of the US workforce.*

That means in just eight years, they’re coming to market with the biggest buying power and the most years left to work. The ways we connect, sell, and even hire will undergo fundamental shifts, and getting to know the Millennials is the only way to prep.

That’s why our entire staff gathered for a day-long deep dive with Jason Dorsey. The acclaimed speaker and generational researcher developed a series of learning segments to demystify those 22–40-year-olds and help brands create strategies to secure their long-term buy-in.

From his lectures we discovered some major takeaways to benefit our clients. Here’s how we’ve incorporated that Millennial research:

Getting Social
Millennials do in fact have brand loyalty; but they’re going to search for and evaluate those brands on their own terms. Maintaining robust social media profiles is key to demonstrating your brand’s authenticity.

Check out how we’ve implemented that on Facebook for Stuart Pro Heating & Air and Global Clothing Industries, LLC.

Hiring Them for Good
Millennials want to work for companies that value their skills and interests, with a tight team and the ability to give back. And sometimes that means changing your hiring strategy all together. We helped Primus Builders realign their strategy, identify their talent pools, and we created this knock-out recruitment video for them:

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Primus Tough from Primus on Vimeo.

Look out for more tips as we continue to learn and grow with our clients!

*Source: US Census Bureau 


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